This description of Christian Hermeticism aligns well with my own. After spending more than a year with Tomberg's writings and participating in the Lord's Prayer Course he initiated, I realized recently that yes, I can consider myself a Christian Hermeticist. The stream he initiated is authentic and much needed in the Church, but it is intended for those who have the disposition and/or endurance to work in solitude.

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I'm currently reading Tomberg's Meditations on the Tarot. It's beautiful, wonderful and quite a tome! I've actually ready four other books on the side while still finding my way through the deep waters he offers. I've been reading it on my Kindle/phone, then one of my clients gave me the actual book and I was astounded at how huge it was! I absolutely love the idea of "pictorial consciousness", symbols and symbolic correspondence is especially important to me as a visual artist and visual thinker/experienc-er. I also agree whole heatedly that that those drawn to Christian Hermeticism are driven by a desire to understand everything and learn from everyone, and find truth, all truth, not just salavific truth to be the pearl of great price. Thank you for a wonderfully clear explanation, I've just subscribed.

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Thank you for this -- so many spiritual topics interest me but Christian Hermeticism calls me back again and again. Such a deep well!

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